
The Value of Staying Active in Retirement and How to Do It

Retirement marks a significant milestone in one's life, offering an abundance of free time that can be invested in hobbies, interests, and activities that promote physical health and social interaction.[1] Staying active is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle, enhancing mental health, and ensuring overall well-being.[1] Pickleball: A Social Sport with a Gentle Learning Curve [...]

By |2024-03-28T09:16:44-04:00March 28th, 2024|Blog, Health & Wellness, Lifestyle|

Securing a Lasting Legacy: Strategies for Building Generational Wealth

In the complex and ever-evolving landscape of financial planning, the ultimate goal for many individuals extends beyond personal wealth accumulation. It encompasses a profound desire to ensure that their legacy endures through their descendants, manifesting as generational wealth. This ambition, while noble, is fraught with potential legal and financial hurdles, particularly in the realms of [...]

By |2024-03-25T10:49:15-04:00March 25th, 2024|Blog, Estate Planning, Financial Planning|

2 Poems About Retirement To Bring A Smile To Your Face

The Retirement by Henry Vaughan   Fresh fields and woods! the Earth’s fair face, God’s foot-stool, and man’s dwelling-place. I ask not why the first Believer Did love to be a country liver? Who to secure pious content Did pitch by groves and wells his tent; Where he might view the boundless sky, And all [...]

By |2024-03-22T13:10:14-04:00March 22nd, 2024|Blog, Entertainment, Lifestyle|

Mastering the Transition to Your New Life in Retirement

Retirement marks a significant transition from decades of routine and responsibilities to a period of freedom and opportunity. It's a life stage that can be filled with joy, relaxation, and personal growth, but it does require some planning and adjustment. Here are some strategies to help you successfully transition to a more fulfilling retirement lifestyle. [...]

By |2024-03-15T11:13:12-04:00March 15th, 2024|Blog, Lifestyle|

New Books We Think You’ll Love This Winter

Retirement is not just a phase of life; it's a doorway to new beginnings and experiences. It's a time when the hustle-bustle of a 9 to 5 routine fades into the background, leaving room for hobbies and passions that were once sidelined. Among these activities, reading stands out as a particularly valuable pursuit. Not only [...]

By |2024-03-22T13:13:12-04:00March 8th, 2024|Blog, Entertainment, Lifestyle|

Here’s What Medicare May Not Cover…Are You Prepared?

You may think that Medicare covers all of your medical expenses when you retire…but it doesn’t. We often see clients who have a really solid retirement plan that takes almost everything into account except for medical expenses. They often think, “Well, I’m healthy now, so I’ll be healthy in the future.” But that isn’t always [...]

By |2024-03-04T10:44:26-05:00March 4th, 2024|Blog, Financial Planning, Health & Wellness, medicare|

Why “Working” Shouldn’t Stop In Retirement

Retirement doesn't necessarily mean the end of a working life. For many, it's a new chapter that can be filled with opportunities to remain engaged, active, and fulfilled. While the traditional concept of retirement involves stepping away from all forms of employment, an increasing number of retirees are choosing to stay in the workforce for [...]

By |2024-03-01T10:55:00-05:00March 1st, 2024|Blog, Retirement Planning|

Retiring With Your Spouse? Here’s What to Know

If you don’t know what your spouse wants out of retirement, you might be faced with unforeseen, costly mistakes. Ask yourself if you know their specific plan. Do you know the day they plan to retire? Do you know exactly how your finances are going to be handled? Retirement is all about planning, and if [...]

By |2024-02-26T10:22:31-05:00February 26th, 2024|Blog, Financial Planning, Retirement Planning|
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