
Today’s Interest Rates and Your Retirement

The Federal Reserve makes a monthly statement about its interest rate policy, which is based on the data it tracks and analyzes to understand the state of the economy. This includes data regarding inflation, employment, and more. These statements are important for the rest of the nation to understand how the economy is doing as [...]

By |2024-07-22T12:33:07-04:00July 22nd, 2024|Blog, Economy, Federal Reserve|

What 2025 COLA Predictions Mean to You

In 2022, the United States experienced the most significant inflation in four decades, primarily due to macroeconomic disruptions and supply chain issues following the COVID-19 pandemic. This led to an 8.7% cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for Social Security beneficiaries in January 2023, the largest increase since the early 1980s. However, despite this, many retirees continue to [...]

By |2024-07-08T12:23:31-04:00July 8th, 2024|Blog, Economy, Financial Planning, Social Security|

What to Know When Retiring into Uncertain Times

There has been a lot of chaos in the market over the last few years, and you may find yourself worried that you’re retiring at the wrong time. You may be worried that you will retire right before the markets and economy turn sour. These are both legitimate concerns, but there are strategies that you [...]

By |2024-01-22T11:14:33-05:00January 22nd, 2024|Blog, Economy, Investment Strategies, Retirement Planning, Stock Market|

Inflation Affects Your Finances, Even In Small Amounts

There’s been a lot of news about inflation lately. As of July, the inflation rate was around 3.2%.[1] This means that the cost of goods and services, including but not limited to items such as groceries, housing, and gas, has gone up by 3.2% since this time last year.[2] You might think 3.2% is a [...]

By |2023-09-25T01:46:20-04:00September 25th, 2023|Blog, Economy, Financial Planning|

What Does a Rolling Recession Mean for Your Retirement?

What Is A Rolling Recession? You may have noticed that the economy after the pandemic has been very up and down. And while there has been talk of a possible recession for a few years now, we have yet to completely enter a recession. A recession is traditionally defined as a consistent, widespread downturn in [...]

By |2023-07-11T19:03:22-04:00March 20th, 2023|Economy, Stock Market|

3 Factors to Know for Rising Interest Rate Conditions

The 2022 economy has broken multiple records, first, with the highest inflation rate in 40 years, and now, the highest federal reserve interest rates since 2008.[1] In efforts to curb raging inflation, the US Federal Reserve has raised interest rates six times in 2022, reaching a target of 3.75% in November.[2] This rise in the [...]

By |2023-07-11T19:13:11-04:00December 12th, 2022|Economy, Federal Reserve, Financial Planning|

The History of Inflation is Older Than you Think

Inflation has occurred in many different societies throughout history. We think of inflation as a modern economic concept, but in reality, it predates modern history and has been a prevalent part of societies since the first nations and urban areas emerged. Ancient Rome When silver was used as the currency in Rome, the government would collect [...]

By |2023-07-11T19:30:56-04:00September 9th, 2022|Economy|

Inflation Finds its Way to Your Wallet

There’s no doubt that people have been feeling the effects of inflation on their wallets. Everything from food to gas to home repair products seems to be increasing every day. Federal Reserve Chairman, Jerome Powell, is taking inflation very seriously, raising interest rates to combat the explosion of inflation. And although the moves have made [...]

By |2023-07-11T19:35:19-04:00July 25th, 2022|Economy, Financial Planning|
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